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Star Conquest is, of course, free to play.
However, there are costs associated with running a server, and a game like Star Conquest, even though it is only text, has higher requirements than one might think. What's more, we require hardware upgrades before we can run additional active games.
If you enjoy Star Conquest and you want to help us out and see us run other games in the future, please consider donating!
Send donations to via PayPal.
Unfortunately, we can offer no tangible benefits for donating, because our primary concern is to keep Star Conquest a level playing field for all players. But know that by donating, you are enabling us to reduce lag in Star Conquest and to run additional games.
Legal Disclaimer:
Send donations to via PayPal.
All original work located on this site and within Star Conquest is copyright 1998-2025, unauthorised reproduction prohibited.